a woman lying on the grass
Personal Development

28 February Journal Prompts to Promote Self-Love

It’s February! The month of LOVE. I used to despise this month as a perpetually single gal until I started looking at it from a different angle. There’s no reason why you can’t show yourself some love this month. In fact, you should this month and every month. These 28 Journal Prompts will help promote self-love so you can be a more confident and happier you.

Haven’t started a journaling practice yet. Journaling has amazing benefits and can really help you reach higher clarity.

You might also like: 34 Journal Prompts for January to Start Your Year Off Right

Journaling has been proven to help you: 

  • Reduce Stress
  • Encourage Greater Well-Being
  • Gain Self-Confidence
  • and Achieve Goals
Journal Prompts for Self-love February
Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Pexels.com

What are five things that are unique about me?

How similar am I to my role models?

What is the most beautiful feature of my face?

What’s my favorite part of my body?

How has social media impacted my self-love journey?

What unique skills, talents, and qualities do I have?

What does my body do for me every day that I’m grateful for?

What does self-love mean to me?

What Self-Care activities make me feel good?

What is my biggest accomplishment?

What are 5 things I’m passionate about?

How do I think people will remember me?

What do I need to make more time for?

What is my favorite personality trait?

How would my life change if I were confident?

What negative beliefs do I hold about myself? Where does that come from?

I feel most at peace when…

I feel happiest in my body when…

What are ten things I can do to take better care of myself?

Write a reference letter for yourself

journal prompts for self love February
Photo by Natasha Fernandez on Pexels.com

When I picture myself happy…. what does it look like?

What parts of my life am I happy with?

What parts of my life would I like to work on?

What habit do I need to stop?

What kind words can I say to myself today?

What 3 steps can I take toward my dreams?

What are 5 flaws that I accept and how can I look at them in a positive light?

What is my strongest quality?