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Personal Development

31 Amazing Journal Prompts To Nurture Your Mental Health in April

We’re finally in April! This is the month just before it starts to get warm. But April also has those rainy days. Which is a lot like life. We all have our days or weeks or months when things feel less sunny and rainy. These 31 Journal Prompts are designed to help you nurture your mental health and be the best version of yourself.

Haven’t started a journaling practice yet? Journaling has amazing benefits and can really help you reach higher clarity. 

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Journaling has been proven to help you: 

  • Reduce Stress
  • Encourage Greater Well-Being
  • Gain Self-Confidence
  • and Achieve Goals
Journal Prompts for Mental Health
Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on

What am I insecure about? Why?

What made me start doubting myself as a kid?

Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself….

What is something I didn’t think I would get through that I did?

What would make my teenage self proud?

What can I control?

What is out of my control?

What are some beliefs that I have that harm me?

How would I describe myself to a stranger?

Who is in my support system?

What triggers my anxiety?

What have the tough times taught me about myself?

What are three words I would use to describe myself?

When is the last thing I did for myself?

Are there any behaviors that I engage in that harm me?

What has helped me improve my mental health in the past?

How has the way I deal with stress changed over the years?

What does life look like if I let go of not knowing everything?

Write a summary of your mental health.

Has my anxiety ever manifested itself physically?

Where do I feel the safest?

Have any opportunities have come from my mental health struggles?

How can I remind myself that I am enough?

What are some things I can do in the moments that I am struggling?

What are some ways I feel when I take care of myself?

What is the kindest thing I can do for myself in moments of stress?

What was a defining moment in my life?

What are some boundaries I need to set with myself?

What boundaries can I set with others?

Are there any habits I can adopt to ease anxiety/depression?

What is my happiest memory?