
Are you looking for some self-care ideas? These are my favorite beauty and skincare tips. I talk about everything from makeup tips to skincare to hygiene tips. I fully believe that taking care of your skin and hygiene is a form of wellness. There's nothing better than a nice hot girl shower after a long stressful day or week. It always feels good to feel extra clean and to take the extra time to do whatever you need to in order for your body to feel extra pampered. A good skincare routine not only helps one relax but also helps one become more confident. Routine is super important too because it helps us know what to expect next. A nighttime skincare routine not only helps you remove the stress and makeup of the day off but also helps your body know that it's time for bed. Just a morning skincare routine can help your body know that it's time to start the day. Beauty isn't just makeup. Beauty can be a lot of things. Like finding a perfume that makes you feel extra confident. Or finally rocking the perfect sunless tan. Another important part of beauty is healthy practices such as using sunscreen and eating/drinking the right things for your skin. A large part of looking your best is taking healthy precautions and making healthy habits that help you feel your best! But if makeup is your thing, putting on makeup or discovering new products can also be a form of self-care.