Apartment and Home

What I Want To Accomplish In My Thirties

Today (5/13/22) is my 30th Birthday! I am officially kissing my 20s goodbye, and entering a new decade in life. I hear that your 30s are much better than your 20s so I am extremely excited. I am taking this year as a time for me to reflect on where I want to be in life, and the steps I need to take to get there. Here are the things that I most want to achieve in my 30s.

Stop Holding Myself Back

silhouette photo of woman against during golden hour

I want to stop listening to the fear in my head and start doing all the things I’ve been wanting to do. I want to build the career I’ve always wanted and not be afraid of what other people think. Even if I fall flat on my face at least I tried. But it’s better than never knowing

Start Traveling

infinity pool near beach

In my 20’s I wasn’t well off enough to travel. I am doing my best to change that so I can travel in my 30s. Not only do I want to travel around the US but I’m planning to take a trip to Europe two or three years from now. I want to see all of the things that I read about.

Learn a New Language

german text on pieces of paper

I’ve taken a beginner’s french course in my first year of college, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten in learning a second language. I would like to become fluent in another language. There are so many apps out there now that it’s kinda overwhelming. I plan on continuing with French and then finishing with Spanish.

Move To A New City

person walking on the road

I don’t live far from my hometown. While I love the town I live in and it definitely feels like home to me, I want to get out of my comfort zone and experience new things. It doesn’t have too far or a particularly large city. The one I’m thinking of is only an hour away from where I live now! I just think that in order to grow I need to experience something more.

Become Financially Free


I hope in my 30s I stop worrying about money as much. I hope I am soon making enough money that I’m not stressed about paying my bills if an emergency comes up. I’m focusing on getting a career or making a career for myself that allows me to do all the things I wasn’t able to do in my 20s.