notebook with pen and green stems of plant near wristwatch
Personal Development

34 Journal Prompts for January to Start Your Year Off Right

Happy New Year! For most of us, January represents a clean slate. It is a time to let go of old habits and start new ones to help us achieve our goals. One great habit to form if you haven’t already is journaling. Journaling has a great amount of benefits and can change your life.

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Pink and Pineapple Pod| Looking Back on 2022 and Achieving Your 2023 Goals

Journaling has been proven to help you:

  • Reduce Stress
  • Encourage Greater Well-Being
  • Gain Self-Confidence
  • and Achieve Goals
silver colored open end bracelet beside two brown stars ornament
Photo by Happiness Maker on

What is my main goal for 2023?

What small steps do I plan on taking to achieve those goals?

What motivates me when times get tough?

Where do I want to be in six months?

In a year?

What brought me joy in 2022?

What were my wins last year?

What habits do I need to let go of this year?

What habits did I establish last year that I want to continue this year?

What new habits would I like to establish this year?

Is my energy going toward my goals or something else?

How am I going to start taking care of myself this year?

When do I feel most confident?

How do I define success?

If 2023 was my last year to live, what would I do?

If I could talk to myself a year ago, what would I say?

What is one skill I would like to learn this year?

How can I become more organized this year?

How did I handle my emotions last year? How can I improve?

What am I proud of from 2022?

How can I give back to the community this year?

Is there anything holding me back? How do I let go of that this year?

List 10 things you’d like to prioritize this year

Where would I like to be in 5 years? 10 years?

What steps can I start taking toward that today?

What causes me stress? How can I handle that in 2023?

How can I express my gratitude more this year?

What am I looking forward to in 2023?

Is there anything I can say no to this year that would allow me more time to work on my goals?

What would I like my morning routine to look like by the end of the year?

What would I like my evening routine to look like by the end of the year?

What is something on my bucket list for this year?

What was my favorite memory from last year?

What season of my life am I in right now?